Claims Investigation


Let Our Team
Be Your Boots On The Ground

Accident Reconstruction

After an accident occurs there are always questions as to what happened before the event, who is responsible and possibly liable. Capital Insurance Defense Services deploys experienced professional investigators to comb through the specific components that lead to the accident and share what exactly happened and why.

Witness Statement / Interviews

Witness statements and interviews are often critical factors of evidence in and an accident related to accident, insurance, or civil investigations. Capital Insurance Defense Services investigators have decades of experience in obtaining statements from witnesses and are trained in the crucial questions to support your case. Our statements can be in written or recorded format to ensure accuracy.

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Five Advantages of Using Unmanned Surveillance

Five Advantages of Using Unmanned Surveillance

  Insurance fraud is a major issue that costs insurance companies billions of dollars every year. Fraudulent claims can take many forms, from staged accidents and inflated damage estimates to fabricated injuries and illnesses. Uncovering these fraudulent claims...

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Unmanned Surveillance – Tales from The Field

Unmanned Surveillance – Tales from The Field

Unmanned Surveillance can provide insight into a claim where traditional surveillance cannot. Working in the insurance defense or SIU community, we realize that we working on cases that for one reason or another have drawn a red flag(s) or suspicions about the...

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100 East Hanover Ave. Suite 201C Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927