Having the flexibility to perform surveillance in any environment is crucial to maximize the ROI on your SIU investigative costs. When a claim is recommended for a surveillance, I think we all can agree that all claims are unique and, each case must be evaluated on its own merits and circumstances.

For example, one claimant could reside in an urban environment on a small street, yet another claimant could live in rural setting with a 75-yard driveway. Two claims, but each requires a significantly different strategy. Most investigative firms have one canned manned surveillance product that is usually consists of an investigator in his or her personal car with a camera. The likelihood of the investigator’s car being spotted or identified is good, and probability of obtaining useful footage is slim.

Using a one size fits all strategy limits ROI of your investigative dollars and the ability to obtain valuable evidence.

Consider for a moment if you had the option of performing unmanned surveillance for a week to gather valuable information about the claimant’s activity, habits and schedule. An investigator could review the unmanned footage and conclude, the best days and times to conduct manned surveillance, what car the claimant usually drives, and other key factors that could be useful to the investigation. More importantly the unmanned footage can eliminate wasted surveillance hours to come to the same conclusions and the possibility of a claimant spotting an investigator.

Having a customized approach to each surveillance investigation will yield better results.

We believe having the flexibility to offer different options for each claim will not only yield better results, it will also increase the ROI on your SIU investigative costs. We developed a brief video that shares some of the different surveillance options that are currently available. Please let us know if you have any questions about surveillance technology, improving surveillance results or if we can assist you further in any way.