Top 5 Benefits of Utilizing a Surveillance Van

Surveillance Vans- If your investigators do not use them, why not? Often, when we recommend clients utilize a surveillance van for an SIU or insurance defense investigation.  Many attorneys, adjustors and SIU professionals ask “why, and what is the difference”? For us, the answer is simple; better results for our clients and it costs pretty much the same as traditional manned surveillance.
It took us a while to realize, the reason that most people in the insurance defense community don’t recognize the benefits of surveillance vans is our fault. We have not done a good job educating insurance defense associates of the clear-cut advantages of using a surveillance van in an investigation. Also, very few investigative firms have access to surveillance vans. so they don’t want their clients to know about the advantages they provide.

We have developed the FIVE top benefits of utilizing a surveillance van in an investigation:

1) Document Evidence From 400 yards Away– High powered megapixel cameras enable us to document evidence from long distances, great for urban and rural environments.
2) Remain Covert– Capital Insurance Defense surveillance vans are specially equipped to blend into any environment, traditional manned surveillance performed in a passenger car are more likely to be detected.
3) Advanced Video Technology- Utilizing ,Megapixel HD cameras, insurance defense professionals can observe activity at a location using high resolution video stream or in real time. HD video is recorded and stored to be used in post surveillance analysis.
4) Covert Periscope Camera– Guaranteed footage no matter the parking situation, distance or obstacles in font of the observation area.

We realize that a surveillance van is not a good fit for every investigation but having the option to utilize a superior technology can be the difference in having a good defense case and a great defense case. Please let us know if you have any questions or if you are interested  in learning more about obtaining superior evidence through surveillance vans. You can reach us at (973) 944-0690 or .